Legacy Community Health Center runs school-based health centers in 34 Houston area schools; are they providing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to students?


In an undercover video obtained by Project Veritas and published April 20, 2023, employees revealed information about services and the lack of safeguards in place for pediatric patients. One of the health centers implicated in the video (starting at 7:22) is Legacy Community Health Center in Houston where, according to the employee’s testimony, undocumented children can be prescribed cross sex hormones without parental consent or knowledge. Based on what the employee says, any adult over 18 can sign the form required to receive medical interventions used to halt the child’s normal development (puberty blockers, cross sex hormones.)


Legacy Community Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) which means it relies heavily on federal dollars. It turns out that Legacy Community Health Center operates 34 school-based health centers in the Houston, Texas region: 13 in the KIPP charter school network, 17 in the YES Prep charter school network and 4 in the Galena Park Independent School District.

According to its website, Legacy Community Health Center does include puberty blockers and “cross gender hormone treatment” in its list of “Transgender Specialty Care.” It remains unclear if students are receiving these treatments directly from the health centers at their schools or being referred out to one of their other locations.

Legacy Community Health’s most recent annual report is here.