Iowa City Community School District website recommends resources that promote critical race theory and “abolitionist teaching”


The Iowa City School District website, devoted a subsection of their Equity page to Antiracism Tools which discusses topics of white privilege and antiracism. In the YouTube video at the top of the page, Ibram X Kendi elaborates on his book How to be an Antiracist.

Screenshot from the Equity page of the website

The school links additional YouTube videos including “Seeing White Fragility,” “Introduction to We are Not the Stereotype,” and “Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo.”

A video presentation about “Abolitionist Teaching and the Future of Our Schools” is also listed on the website, described as “a conversation with Bettina Love, Gholdy Muhammad, Dena Simmons and Brian Jones about abolitionist teaching and antiracist education.”

The district website also includes excerpts from articles about white privilege and talking to kids about race. Below, the site posted the description below to promote a webinar called “What is White Privilege Anyway?” taken from Learning for Justice’s website.

Learning for Justice provides lessons and planning for teachers regarding equality including lessons on voter suppression. The Learning for Justice was founded by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

One can only assume that the district is endorsing and/or recommending these resources.


Equity / Anti-Racism Tools (

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo – YouTube

Introduction to “We are not a stereotype” – YouTube

What Is White Privilege, Really? | Learning for Justice

About Learning for Justice | Learning for Justice

Hate & Extremism | Southern Poverty Law Center (