Henrico County Public Schools promotes a speaker series to teachers that includes an activist who openly pushes for Critical Race Theory in education


The Henrico County Public School District provides a document on its website promoting equity resources to teachers called “Resources for Staff.” The document appears to have been created in early 2021. One resource provided to teachers in the document is called “EdEquity Virginia.” The resource links to a bulletin published by the Virginia Department of Education on February 16, 2021. This bulletin promoted a webinar called “Schools as Racial Justice Engines” that was on February 23, 2021. Another webinar promoted on the bulletin was called “Culturally Relevant Teaching.”

The resource document for teachers also promotes a “Virginia State University Virtual Speaker Series” that took place on March 11, 2021, and March 16, 2021. The first speaker promoted is Gloria Ladson-Billings. Gloria Ladson-Billings has written material pushing CRT in schools, including a research paper titled “Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education” and the book Critical Race Theory in Education: A Scholar’s Journey.

The school district promotes a resource that features a webinar called “Schools as Racial Justice Engines.”
The school district promotes a resource that features a webinar called “Culturally Relevant Teaching.”