Corpus Christi Independent School District pays Second Step over $70,000 for Social Emotional Learning curriculum; rejects PDE request for copy of Second Step curriculum
Parents Defending Education submitted a public records request to the Corpus Christi Independent School District seeking copies of lesson plans from the district’s Social Emotional Learning curriculum Second Step and contracts or invoices the district has with the organization Second Step. The school district rejected PDE’s request for the Second Step curriculum by stating that the lesson plans are “protected by copyright, and is not enclosed as the District, in compliance with the copyright law, is not required to furnish you with copies of records that are protected by copyright.”
However, PDE did receive an invoice and purchase order the school district has with Second Step. The invoice stated that it was paid on September 3, 2021. This invoice was for a total $73,288.88. The payment was for a one-year license for Second Step’s kindergarten through eighth grade program.
The purchase order is dated September 1, 2021, and is for $77,701.50. The payment was for “Second Step Middle School 1 Year Schoolwide” and “Second Step Elementary School 1 Year Schoolwide.”
Second Step is an organization known for promoting political ideologies in its SEL curricula. Second Step states on its website that the organization is “committed to addressing racial injustice and helping you drive real change in your school communities.” The organization also provides resources for educators to implement equity into the classroom. Two of the resources that Second Step has offered are called “Talking to Kids About Racial Identity” and “Starting in the Classroom.”
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