California State University San Marcos (CorruptED)
California State University San Marcos School of Education courses feature topics such as critical race theory, intersectionality, white privilege, and whiteness. Course texts include Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Peggy McIntosh’s White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
EDUC 364: The Role of Cultural Diversity in Schooling
The course EDUC 364: The Role of Cultural Diversity in Schooling includes content such as critical race theory, intersectionality, whiteness. Course texts include Paulo Freire’s The Politics of Education.
The course description states that it “explores cultural and linguistic diversity as critical variables in achieving educational equity for all students. Major units include intensive theoretical and practical articulation of culture and cultural pluralism; educational issues of race, class, gender, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability; social, structural, programmatic, and curricular issues; and effective teaching for diverse populations.”

EDUC 602: Schooling in a Multicultural Society
The course EDUC 602: Schooling in a Multicultural Society includes content such as critical pedagogy and white privilege. Course texts include Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Peggy McIntosh’s White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
The course description states that “focuses on an introduction to issues of schooling in a multicultural society. It includes an overview of multicultural education and addresses areas of study such as culture and cognition, the psychology of personal prejudice, diversity and exceptionality, intercultural communication, cross cultural competence, and curriculum and teaching in multicultural contexts.”

ETST 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies
The course ETST 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies includes topics such as oppression, racism, and social justice activism.
The course description states that it “introduces students to the field of Ethnic Studies, focusing on the historical and contemporary experiences of people of color, and systems of oppression foregrounding race/ethnicity.” Students will also “be introduced to the activism of those groups in the struggle for social justice.”

ETST 301: Ethnic Studies and Society
The course ETST 301: Ethnic Studies and Society includes topics such as racism and settler colonialism.
The course description states that students will “focus on issues and topics that affect people of color and their relationships within the community and outside of the community” and provides them with “a better understanding of ethnic communities through an examination of diverse issues that influence people of color’s daily live.”
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