Parents Defending Education has been leading the charge against the disturbing rise of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish ideology in our classrooms.  

Now, we’re taking New Trier to court to defend the basic principles of open government and free speech after the superintendent said NO to a student activity to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day. 

But the work of Parents Defending Education isn’t possible without the generous support of people like you. 

Please make your most generous gift today to help Parents Defending Education continue our investigations, our legal battles, and our tireless efforts to restore a healthy, safe, non-political education for all students. 

With your support, we can expose the truth, demand transparency, and send a clear message that parents won’t back down in the face of divisive and discriminatory rhetoric and practices in our schools.

Parents Defending Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 86-1596460. All donations are deemed tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. Access state-specific charitable disclosure requirements by clicking here.