Central Kitsap Parents for Freedom, Silverdale, Washington

Parent Organizations

Central Kitsap Parents for Freedom is a parent group based in Silverdale, Washington.

The group “is designed to host discussion for parents who value local control of our school district. This is a place for us to strategize about how to best make our voices heard in regards to Covid policies–especially mandatory masking.

We value working together, speaking up for our children, supporting our local teachers/schools, and maintaining our freedoms. We want to be courageous in helping to make positive change in our district rather than just sitting idly by as those in Olympia tells us what’s best for our own kids.
We love our country, our community, our local schools, and most importantly–our children. And if we are too afraid to speak up about our beliefs and to use the local control we rightfully have, then we are giving up too easily on the well-being of students in Kitsap county.”