BWG Business Solutions LLC
School Districts
- Kansas City Public Schools
Report Details
What is BWG Business Solutions LLC?
Janice Asare registered BWG Business Solutions LLC, based in Norwalk, Connecticut, with the Connecticut Secretary of State on Nov. 5, 2018, but the business was dissolved on Jan. 23, 2020.
According to its official website, BWG Business Solutions LLC was founded “with the mission to make the world a better and more cohesive place.”
The “BWG” company name stands for “black, white, green” and “the idea that diversity is not about black and white but green.” It says, “Focusing on diversity and inclusion will help your company to become more efficient, productive, and profitable.”
What services does BWG Business Solutions LLC offer?
- “Consulting Services,” in which Asare is “available to serve as an external DEI consultant to help your organization or institution create strategies for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
- Workshops, including “The Pink Elephant: Consume Digest Dialogue (CDD),” a facilitated workshop discussion led by Asare, “where employees are invited to consume one piece of historical content (movie, video, TV show, podcast, article, social media post, etc.), digest what they have seen or heard and then discuss their interpretations, understanding and what they have learned with fellow employees.” The purpose of the activity is to “use historical content to help participants understand and become more aware of the unique experiences of different racial groups,” building “empathy, awareness and understanding so that employees are able to be effective allies and advocates for various groups.”
- Workshop topics include: “Allyship & Advocacy: How to Support Employees of Marginalized Backgrounds,” “Creating an Anti-Racist Organization that is Inclusive for All,” “Why Your Unconscious Bias Trainings Keep Failing: Addressing Systemic and Structural Issues,” “Recognizing and Reducing Micro-aggressive Behaviors” and “Dismantling and Disrupting Your Anti-Blackness.”
What clients has BWG Business Solutions LLC had?