A statewide Gender & Sexualities Alliance Advisors group exchange emails about how to hide information from parents of students as young as eleven


A Freedom of Information Act request reveals statewide Gender & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) group emails discussing how to hide information from parents of students as young as sixth grade.

In one email thread, a Red Bud High School teacher responds to a question about how to have club communications without parental access. The Waterloo teacher states that “all of the teachers here are required to use” Google Classroom, “but some of the kids were worried about their parents having access.” The Red Bud teacher replies that they use Google classroom, but “don’t invite parents.” They continue: “In the beginning we named it something that did not identify the group, but the kids knew what it was.”

A sixth-grade teacher adds that they use a website where they “load the kids ‘guardian’ with their e-mail or cell number.”

A separate email chain shows advisors sharing GSA club norms, including “What happens in GSA stays in GSA OR Respect each other’s privacy.” The middle school teacher also adds how they operate closed meetings to deter unwanted students,