Classrooms should be a place of learning — not a platform for political activism. 

To help Parents Defending Education continue leading the fight to restore a healthy, non-political education for all kids, please make your most generous gift right now. 

Since 2021, Parents Defending Education has led the fight to expose what’s really happening in classrooms … to support, empower, and train concerned parents and community members … and to hold schools accountable through lawsuits and official complaints to the U.S. Department of Education. 

Your contribution today will have a direct impact on what Parents Defending Education can accomplish this year through our investigative reporting, litigation, and advocacy efforts. 

Please make your most generous gift right now to help Parents Defending Education continue our critical work this year. 

Parents Defending Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 86-1596460. All donations are deemed tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. Access state-specific charitable disclosure requirements by clicking here.