As Parents Defending Education – and our 52 coalition partners – have explained in an open letter to Secretary Miguel Cardona and the Biden Administration, the Title IX changes announced in April will wrongly:

  • Compel speech from K-12 students and teachers so that they must use “preferred” pronouns or risk punishment,
  • Allow biological males to compete in girls’ and women’s sports, destroying an equal playing field and potentially threatening female athletes’ safety,
  • Let anyone enter private spaces for girls and women, like locker rooms, solely on the basis of their gender identity, and
  • Wrongly dismantle and destroy due process protections for students accused of misconduct.

If you’d like to show your support, you can add your name to our coalition letter below right now.

Your name won’t be made public, and we won’t share it with the Department of Education, but it will mean a great deal to know how many parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens like you are standing with us in this fight.